Many years ago, a group of franchisees came to the ConMasFuturo headquarters in Madrid and we started to talk about our pricing policy.
I was trying to explain that if you want to give value and quality, you cannot compete by matching the lowest price. Some franchisee said that was very good but that there will always be a family that will compare you with the extracurricular soccer, which is cheaper, and will tell you that they have no money. The discussion was settled by the Seville franchisee:
“When a family tells me that they do not have money to invest in some education for their children, I ask them if their son has a PlayStation or mobile phone, if he wears brand-name sneakers or jeans and, if I see that the father is a smoker, I ask him how much is spent on tobacco per year. Normally it is not a question of money, it is a question of priorities.”
For my part, little more to say.